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These sound amazing! Great job!

Thanks very much! 😄


Would it be alright to add this to my Twitch starting soon and tea break playlists? (with credit!)

Absolutely! What's your Twitch link? 😄


Awesome, thank you! Time to do a little work in OBS. My channel is


Great work.

I did a version of Rachmaninoff's Morceaux de fantaisie / Prelude in C# Minor, as well as a quick snippet of the Rhapsody. Happy to send it to you if you would like to add it. It is in .mod format.

Also, if you can find the assets for Dr. Franken, the entire soundtrack is a loop of the Moonlight Sonata.

Thanks so much! It's cool to meet a fellow classical chiptune enthusiast! I'm thinking that I'd like to try sequencing Debussy soon. 🙂 I recently heard Arabesque No. 2 for the first time, and I think it would be great in a game.


this is wonderful. ive been wanting to do this with classical scores for my own project but have never made any music before. any tips on trying to do the same thing?

Thanks! It was tough for me because I'm not a professional musician, but I did remember how to read music a little bit from when I was in high school choir. It's helpful that there are interactive transcriptions of classical music out there, such as on

I guess my best advice is just to give it a try! I was dreading the prospect of sequencing music for my game, but it became easier as I worked on it more. Best wishes for your games and music!


It's great to hear classical music. When I made my Musical Notes GB-Studio game, I also made a lot of them. It's best to generate this from an existing MIDI file, it's not difficult, just time consuming. You can download midi files on and it can easily be converted to MOD with OpenMPT.

That's a really useful tip, thanks for sharing it here!